Search for “Voatz” in your phone’s app store, or:
The Voatz app is supported on:
If your phone is using an earlier or unsupported operating system (i.e. Android 7 or Huawei devices), please upgrade your phone to the latest version or participate via the web app here. Eligible staff may, as an alternative, vote in person using kiosks available at the main office starting September 11.
Please note, the Voatz app is not supported on Android tablets; however, it is supported on an iPad 3 or newer, but it must have a cellular connection capable of receiving SMS messages. For questions about iPad requirements, please contact the Voatz help desk.
Our voter guide provides step-by-step instructions to help you download the Voatz app and create an account. Help is also available in the app by tapping the Help button in the top right corner of most screens.
The text (SMS) verification code may take a few minutes to arrive to your mobile device. When you receive the text, a notification will temporarily display at the top of your screen, but if you miss it, you can still retrieve it:
The text (SMS) verification code expires in ten minutes. Please enter it as soon as it is delivered to your device. If your verification code expires, please request a new code.
Please tap the request new code button to receive a new SMS registration code. It may take a few minutes to receive it, and when you do, check to make sure you enter all 6 digits correctly. Then you’ll be able to tap the Next button to continue creating an account.
If you are unable to receive text messages in your area, please contact the Voatz help desk for assistance. In your message to our team, please indicate that your device cannot receive text messages.
Follow the instructions in the voter guide, or watch the video on the home screen to learn how to verify your identity.
You must scan an image of your current passport.
Verification may take a few hours to complete. Please quit the Voatz app, log in again and check to see if you’re verified. If a few hours have passed and you are still not verified, contact the Voatz help desk for assistance.
Please quit the Voatz app, log in again, and tap Verifications. You should see a check mark next to Identity, and your event should be listed on that screen. If several hours have passed and you’re still not verified, contact the Voatz help desk for assistance.
When your ballot is available, you will see a red circle next to Elections on the home screen. Tap on Elections to view your ballot and participate.
If you don’t see a red circle next to Elections , tap the “refresh” icon (a circular arrow icon) located to the right of your name on the home screen. A red circle should appear next to Elections , and you can tap to view your ballot and vote.
If you still don’t see a red circle next to Elections , contact the Voatz help desk for assistance.
Your confirmation ID can be used to verify your participation in the Test Run Election after you’ve submitted your ballot.
Your confirmation ID and a copy of your affidavit are sent to the email address you entered when you verified your identity. The email subject lines are “Voatz Participation Receipt” and “Voter Affidavit” (sender email address: If you haven’t received the email, please check your spam, junk, and/or trash folder. Some email providers may also have folders such as “Notifications”, “Social” or “Forums” that the Participation Receipt may arrive in.
If you’re not sure what email address you used to create an account, go to the Voatz app home screen and tap Verifications , then tap Device . Press and hold the box to view the email address associated with your account.
Voters requiring assistance because of a disability, please participate via the Voatz Mobile App available for download from the Google Play Store or Apple App Store. Voatz accessibility features enable citizens with visual, auditory and/or dexterity impairment to participate securely and independently from their smartphones. VoiceOver (iOS) and TalkBack (Android) screenreaders and Voice Control (iOS) are two of the many assistive capabilities available in the app.
Watch the following video to learn more about how Voatz VoiceOver/TalkBack features work:
Watch the following video to learn more about how the Voatz Voice Control features work:
Currently, you may use any of the following web browsers on your computer, phone, or tablet:
Desktop Browsers:
Mobile Device Browsers:
The Voatz Web App does not support Internet Explorer, Opera or browser versions that predate those listed here. You will be notified to update your browser if you are currently running an earlier version.
For best performance, we recommend using Windows 8.1 or 10, or Mac OS 10.14+ (Mojave, Catalina, or Big Sur)
Enter your information exactly as it appears on your passport, and make sure you have a digital photo of your ID or passport ready to upload. Please use only the email and phone number you provided when you registered for the Internet Voting Test Run. You must accurately fill in all required fields and complete the CAPTCHA in order to proceed.
These will be used to verify your identity and provide you with a confirmation email and a copy of your affidavit following the Test Vote.
Click Choose File on the left side and select your image of your ID, or drag and drop the file onto the right side of the screen. Make sure you see an “Image Attached” message before clicking the Continue button.
The allowed file types are JPEG, PNG, and HEIC, and the maximum file size allowed is 3 MB. Choose a different file if your photo does not meet these requirements, or check your network connection and try uploading again.
Please wait on the loading screen without refreshing your browser or navigating away from the page. With a strong and stable internet connection, the process should take only a few minutes.
After the loading screen, you will see a message that says “Upload Successful” indicating you have successfully uploaded your ID or selfie and are now verified. You will automatically be taken to your ballot.
The ‘selfie’ photo will be used to compare with your passport photo to verify your identity.
Make sure that your webcam is enabled and that your Operating System has permission that allows the browser to take photos.
If you are having trouble capturing or uploading your photo, make sure that you are aligning your face with the photo frame and looking directly into the camera, then clicking the ‘camera’ icon to capture the photo.
Make sure that your webcam is enabled and that your browser has permission to take photos. You can also review instructions about how to turn on your camera for the five supported browsers:
1.- Safari Google Chrome Microsoft Edge Firefox Opera you are having trouble capturing or uploading your photo, make sure that you are aligning your face with the photo frame and looking directly into the camera, then clicking the ‘camera’ icon to capture the photo.
If you are unable to upload your picture due to system limitations, please check the Voatz Mobile App option at the top of this page.
Click or tap the circle next to each choice to make your selection. To change your selection, click it a second time to deselect it, then simply click or tap on a different choice.
No, you can make a selection for as many or as few contests as you’d like.
You can return to your ballot from the Review Ballot screen and make any necessary changes after making your initial selections. When you click Submit at the bottom of your Affidavit screen, you will see a message asking whether you would like to submit or make changes. Once you click Submit there, your choices are final and cannot be changed.
Click and hold with your mouse or trackpad to write your signature. You can click Clear to clear it or Undo to revert your most recent action.
Your confirmation ID can be used to verify your participation in the Test Election after you’ve submitted your ballot.
Your confirmation ID and a copy of your affidavit are sent to the email address you entered when you verified your identity. The email subject lines are “Voatz Participation Receipt” and “Voter Affidavit” (sender email address: If you haven’t received the email, please check your spam, junk, and/or trash folder. Some email providers may also have folders such as “Notifications”, “Social” or “Forums” that the Participation Receipt may arrive in.
Please contact your election officials at or visit Official Website :: Commission on Elections for any questions regarding:
Contact the help desk at To expedite the process, please have the following information ready:
Voatz is a mobile elections platform that enables citizens to vote without having to visit their polling place or submit a paper ballot via mail. Voatz leverages the security features built into the latest versions of smartphone technology, biometrics, and the immutability of the blockchain to ensure each vote is secure. Since June 2016, more than 2.2 million votes have been cast on the Voatz platform across more than 120 elections. Voatz has a wide array of experience working with governments (states, cities, towns) as well as major political parties, universities, churches, and unions, all in an effort to make voting safe, convenient, and reliable.
Protecting all citizens’ personal information is the number one priority at Voatz. On the Voatz mobile apps, as soon as a participant’s identity is verified and linked to their thumbprint, FaceID, or PIN, all identifying documents are completely expunged from the system. This ensures that no personally identifiable information can be accessed in the future, and allows Voatz to use the smartphone’s thumbprint, FaceID or PIN capabilities to authenticate the participant going forward. On the Voatz Web App, all identifying documents and information will be deleted as soon as the Internet Voting Test Run Election is over.